Pieces of My Heart April 2, 2009Polish-born DP Jerzy Zielinski, ASC returns to his homeland for a haunting tale of heroism under fire...
Academy Awards Wrap-Up March 9, 2009From Mumbai to Gotham, 2008 was a winning year for cinematography...
Every Shadow Tells A Story February 11, 2009Nelson Cragg and Woody Omens, ASC, take a visit to the “dark side” in our February Web Conversation...
Local 600 Cinematographers Take Sundance By Storm January 17, 2009Consider that for this year’s Sundance Film Festival, 118 feature-length films were selected including 87 world premieres, 19 North American...
Seeing Red November 3, 2008Local 600 shooters gather at the Guild to test-drive the Red One system and separate hype from fact with the...
Ghosts Captured in the [4K] Raw August 1, 2008Popular children’s writer R.L. Stine’s long-running Mostly Ghostly series consists of eight books. The first of these efforts has been...