Directors known for character-driven pictures are rarely hired to steer the venerable James Bond action franchise. With the exceptions of filmmakers like Michael Apted or Lewis Gilbert, the legendary British spy series has relied on former film editors like Peter...
Harris Savides, ASC, and Gus Van Sant re-team to chart the inspiring story of human rights activist Harvey Milk, the one-time “Mayor of Castro Street”...
Local 600 shooters gather at the Guild to test-drive the Red One system and separate hype from fact with the talked-about new digital capturing device...
It might sound like a case of history repeating itself – the kind of event traditionally associated with a failure to pay attention to what had gone before and the resulting consequences that follow. During the 1988 Presidential election year,...
Popular children’s writer R.L. Stine’s long-running Mostly Ghostly series consists of eight books. The first of these efforts has been translated to the screen in an upcoming Universal Pictures release...
If we could listen in on the thoughts of most every cameraperson, we’d often hear, “There has to be a better way to do this.” Some people stop there. Others make half an attempt to create something and give up...